Wednesday 30 August 2017

The Road to Become a Doctor

Being a doctor is one of the noblest professions in this world. Being able to save a life gives the greatest mental satisfaction and happiness during one’s existence. To become a doctor, one needs to be dedicated and determined. The life of a physician is dedicated to the ones in need. A doctor should always be ready and available to help the people in need. The father of medicine Hippocrates said:
“The physician must be able to tell the antecedents, know the present, and foretell the future — must mediate these things, and have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm.”
― Hippocrates
The road to becoming a doctor is long and difficult. Being a doctor is one thing but being a good doctor is another thing. The latter one is of course filled with thorns and the less traveled one. But the grass is truly greener at the end of the travel. The ones who take the path of hard work emerge successful!
The preparations to becoming a doctor begin from early school years. A building can be strong only if the base is strong enough. A strong and clear basic education at the primary, secondary as well as higher secondary level is the foundation on which medical science has to build up on. In this blog, I will elaborate about the various stepping stones to becoming a doctor.
10th grade marks !!!
10th grade!!
Relatives: “This is the turning point in your life. If you don’t score good your life is a waste!”;
Parents: Switch off the TV! Go and study! Board exams coming up”
Teachers: Be very careful and score marks. Study for 6 hours in a day. Work hard! Board exams coming up”
Friends: “Dude!! Board exams!!! Planning to study? We must pass man!!
Pre boards, boards, books, study… life may seem like a mess!
“What is the use of studying so much? Trigonometry and periodic table won’t help me in life!!”
I am sure that most of you can relate to these dialogs. I too was one among  you. But later you realize that cell structures and human body diagrams does serve lot more purpose in life than you could ever even imagine. They are the ones who decide what your future is going to be like. If you are able to understand them well and score good marks, your dreams of hanging a stethoscope and doing the rounds in a white coat will become true. If not, you may end up an attendant to the one in white!! Now it’s all up to you!!
So, your step 1 is to score well in 10th boards and secure admission to science (medical) section of 11th grade. Once it’s done you have taken the first baby step towards your doctor seat.
12th grade
Okay! Here we go! 10th grade drama – part2. A lot more dramatic this time!! Well I must agree that this is rather a very important drama! This is where you become 1/4th a doctor. This is where you must get all the concepts correct. Understanding the concepts in NCERT is very important. The two years in 11th and 12th grade is the right time when you can get all your concepts clear.
Coaching classes
I would recommend a part time two year coaching program during both 11th and 12th grade for medicine so that you get a clear idea about the entrance exam and also how to prepare for it.
TIP: Never take the risk of a one year coaching covering the syllabus of both first and second year during 12th grade as this will do more harm than good. You will not be able to concentrate on neither medical entrance preparation nor the board exams and you will end up ruining both.
Practice makes a man perfect
If you think attending classes and doing assignments will make you perfect, you are wrong! The idea is you must keep constant touch with the books and keep practicing as many questions you can so that you can answer all the questions within the given time without much error. This will give you an edge over other candidates to get selected for the medical seat.
Medical entrance examinations
Various medical entrances are conducted for admission to various colleges in India and abroad where lakhs of students study medical science and come out with flying colors.
Income and salary
The income of a doctor varies from place to place and the institution they are working in. government is providing a good pay scale for resident doctors in various government hospitals and clinics. . My own brother is a doctor placed in a remote village by the Govt. of Kerala and is earning well enough for a good life for him and our family. The growth rate in this sector is also good. Apart from government, private sector is also hiring doctors in hospitals where the payment provided is very high as compared to the government sector. You can also open certified private clinics on your own to provide treatment and earn according to your convenience.
“The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease”
-William Osler

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