Wednesday 30 August 2017

Why Should You Become a Doctor?

“Fever? Body pain? Go to a doctor!!”; “Tooth ache? Go to a dentist!!”; “fracture? Consult an orthopedic!!!” These are some of the daily life scenes in our day-to-day lives. Some time or the other, all of you must have got down with some mild to serious health issues and must have consulted general physicians or specialist doctors. What more! You were born in front of a doctor!! All of you must have sat in the chair opposite to a doctor- as a patient! But have you ever considered how it is to be on the other side? How it is to be a doctor yourself? If you haven’t yet, you must! Better late than never!
As children, our idols were the superheroes like superman, batman etc. The quality which amazed us all and wanted to incorporate into us is the ability to save lives. But unfortunately being a superman literally, to fly and jump from building to building and save people is only possible in movies. But being a doctor is nothing less than being a superhero. You get to save many lives! Of course without having to fly and injure yourself!
  • Are you willing to learn?
  • Are you willing to let go your sleep?
  • Are you willing to let go your time to rest?
  • Are you willing to stop being lazy?
  • Do you want to save lives?
  • Do you want to bring a new life with tiny hands and feet into this world?
  • Do you want to make the tiny life breathe and the little eyes open to see the world?
  • Do you want the thankful eyes of an elderly?
  • Do you want the respect filled glances of children admiring you in the white coat?
  • Do you want to be a human?
All you have to do is to become a doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Medicine – A peek into history

Medicine is one of the noblest professions in this world. Since the time we are born till the time we die, doctors are in need. Most of us are born into the arms of a doctor. As we grow we have many requirements. We all are prone to injuries and diseases. Sometimes we face life threatening conditions. A doctor is whom we rush to whenever we or our dear ones face such troubles. Medical science is as old as the world. Humans initially found out the power of plants, leaves and other naturally available materials to cure various diseases and improve health conditions. Some people chose to study more on these medicines and became the first ever physicians. Our country, India is the land of the most ancient medical science – Ayurveda. Medical science took a new turn in our land when Charaka and Shushruta , fathers of surgical medicine were born.
Having such a rich past in the field of medicine, it is important to understand and study medicine.
Respectful profession

Being a doctor, you will be seen with lots of respect from all the people around you. Children, elderly, and your own family members will respect you for being the life saviour. You will indeed have the superhero image that you dreamed of having in childhood. The tears of joy in your eyes when the mother of a kid whom you just saved from slipping away from her arms forever looks at you with a thankful glance is worth more than the joy of any success and money the world has to offer.
Treat your dear ones!!!!

Apart from this have you ever thought about the benefits of your own near and dear ones if you become a doctor? When one of your family members meet with an accident or come down with an illness you must have for sure thought for a moment that if you had a doctor residing in your home it would have been nice. True isn’t? It will save you from the panic of rushing them to a hospital for a simple first aid which could save their life. In that case why don’t you become that doctor residing in your own house who is always available to save your family? The mental satisfaction that you feel after treating someone from an illness will truly be magical.
Get ready to get rich!!

Now if you think charity is the only reason for being a doctor and that you would die poor for charity, you are terribly wrong. The government is offering a good pay scale for resident doctors in different hospitals and clinics. My own brother is a doctor placed in a remote village by the Govt. of Kerala and is earning well enough for a good life for him and our family. The growth rate in this sector is also good. Apart from government, private sector is also hiring doctors in hospitals where the payment provided is very high as compared to the government sector.
Being an entrepreneur

You can also open certified private clinics on your own to provide treatment and earn according to your convenience.
As a research scientist

Treating people and providing medicines is not the only profession for a doctor. If you are a dedicated doctor with true interest in medicine, you can become a researcher in the field of medicine. Research and development of new medicines and vaccines is on great demand especially with the rise of new diseases such as the Zika virus recently.
Universal job!

One awesome thing about medicine is that it is the same wherever you go. In any part of the world that you go, medical science remains the same which obviously means you have a job wherever you go
Earn till the end!!

However the world advances, whatever age you are – 20 or 90, a doctor will always have patients to look after. Yes!! It is an evergreen profession to be a doctor. You will be able to work and earn and be financially independent till the day you die.
“We are physicians. It is a proud title. It carries prerogatives; it carries privileges. Most of all it carries accountability, not only for the future of a great profession but for the very lives of our fellow sufferers from the human condition”.

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