Saturday 2 September 2017

How should I study to get a gold medal in MBBS?

A simple suggestion to you ( please dont take otherwise or feel i am discouraging you), Dont Chase gold medals. Study MBBS to be a good clinician…
Once our teacher (A great orthopedic surgeon) asked in his very first class, What is the purpose of these theory classes??
Some random answers from our side:
  1. To pass the exam
  2. To understand the subject
  3. To crack pg entrance
  4. To have clear cut concept.
He replied, your goal should not be getting a gold medal or passing the exam. Passing your exam should be a spontaneous process for you so that you can pass it even in dreams.
The main purpose is to be a good clinician and treat the patients.
Our Medicine HOD in his very first class asked “WHO ARE YOU?”
some random answers:
  1. Mbbs student
  2. doctor
  3. Indian
  4. student of medicine
He replied, Whatever you are but you have to be a good clinician.
What brings more charm in life?? Saving a life or getting a gold medal???
I am not saying gold medalist cant save a life or anything, but your goal should be different.
It may happen that in the quest of being a great clinician, one day you have got gold medal.
So read standard textbooks, try to understand the subjects and concept and try to understand clinical classes and master clinics.
Sorry for being out of the line, but this is the reality. Hope you agree.


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